what with it being her funeral and all1 프렌즈 시즌1 8화 The One Where Nana Dies Twice Is she really dead? Monica and Ross are ready for the funeral and Chandler is confused because people think he might be gay. so he tried to figure it out. 1. The one where nana dies twice 주요 표현 > nana : 할머니를 nana라고 부른다. 할머니 이름이 아니다. > gorgeous : 멋진 > dehydrated : 건조된 > fluorescent light : 형광등 > get better : 좋아지다 > perfect for : ~에게 딱 맞는, 안성맞춤인 > co-dependent : 상대에게 의존하는, 상호의존의 > self-destructive.. 2021. 5. 23. 이전 1 다음